School Project
Class: Design 3104: Intro to Game Design
Members Involved: Diya Agenda, Donald Neidecker Gonzales (Myself),  Ethan Powell, Li Tran
My Role: Game Designer, Component Designer, Narrative Designer
For this project, we were given a game breaking rule for the game Othello and were tasked with rebalancing our game using this rule in two weeks. Our rule said whoever was in 1st place (one with most pieces in their color) could flip another opponents piece to their own color meaning they would always be in first. To fix this game, we changed the goal of Othello, so the objective was no longer to have the most pieces but to capture a city token located in the corner of the board as well as give everyone an ability depending on the place they were in. Each of these abilities could be used in a strategic way to turn the tides and lessen the potency of the first place ability. 
To stylize the board, I created an area that related to each race and where their city token would be placed, with the demons in the Deadlands, angels in Purgatory, beast-men in the Great Forest, and the humans in the Magna Terra. Through the clear differences in environments. these environmental designs helped speed up the set up.

These are the placement ability cards that can allow the player to comeback no matter the place they're in.

These are all the final abilities. All of them are essentially the same, except that each can do more damage to their rival race. 

Above are the different types of abilities. To balance out the first place ability, we designed the placement ability cards so that no matter what place the player was in, they could make a huge impact, and our group created the final ability cards to encourage attacks that were larger and more risky. 
On the left are all the components of the game, and on the right is a four player game in action.

For the cover of this board game, I created a composite using an image from the Warhammer series, and then added my own elements of it to represent each race of the game, and then colorized them to match the photo. 

Below is the manual which gives a look into how the game world was formed as well as the origin of each of the races and how they formed their relationships with each other. Furthermore, it also includes detailed images and descriptions of the game mechanics. 

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