School Project
Class: Communication 3513 - Video Games and Society
Editing Software: Powerpoint
Members Involved: Donald Neidecker-Gonzales (Myself), Benajamin Matthews, Group of 25 Researchers
My Role: Group Leader, Script Writing, Recording, Video Editing
This was done for a group project where as a group leader of about 20 people, our group researched how the context of a game can affect the level and frequency of violence. As the leader I chose the population of games that people would pick from, verified their sources, and created the video that encapsulated our research. Unfortunately, not all of the research is one hundred percent accurate due to limitations in how much I could look over each persons research and how they calculated it.
To start research process, our professor had us choose to write and research either violence in games or oversexualization in games. For this assignment, I chose base my proposal for a research project on violence in video games. We later recieved orms in which we could volunteer as a possible group leader.
Eventually, I was selected as a group leader. Since this was being done in an asychronous class, I made sure to stay in contact wtih my group and clearly identify the objectives of our research project through canvas messages and dicussion boards.
After each milestone and discussion our group had, I would summarize the decisions we came to and also record a memebers participation.
To collect data on violent games, each group member had to find a gameplay video and record the amount of violent instances that was in their video. To make this process more clear and ensure we collected the right type of data, I provided instructions as soon as the assignment started. I provided links and examples, where they could choose a game and how to count the instances of violence in a game. This would ensure that each member of our group could produce high quality data.
Afterwards, I wrote a script that discussed all the data we collected in a more clear manner. To make the script more clear, I also added in cues of where to show certain graphics, and wrote in a more causal manner. This not only made it more easy to read the script, but also made the video flow smoother than if it was just a traditional paper.
Finally, I took all the data as well as the script I wrote and started to make a video to visualize it. I located audio clips and videos, in addition to creating animations. To do all the video editing, I utlized powerpoint. Through powerpoint and excel I was able to create graphs that I could animate to better show off our data. Additionally, I added in music, sound effects, and more animations to create a more immersive experience.